Friday, January 21, 2022

How to run Oracle Forms 10G without browser


How to run Oracle Forms 10G without browser

There are several challenges that arise while running Oracle forms in the browser, and many individuals are considering launching Oracle applications without utilizing the browser since they are unable to setup it correctly.

We'll see how to setup it in Oracle Application Server in the stages that follow.

1.       Make that your application server's JRE environment is correctly installed and configured.

2.       Create a file with the extension ".jnlp" wherever. I made it on my desktop.

3.       Into the file, copy and paste the following:

<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="">


    <title>Webstart Application</title>


    <homepage href="null"/>

    <description>dbWare Application</description>





  <update check="timeout" policy="always"/>


    <java version="1.6.0"/>

    <jar href="frmall.jar" download="eager" main="true"/>


  <applet-desc name="Webstart Test Oracle Forms 10g" main-class="oracle.forms.engine.Main" width="990" height="600">

    <param name="background" value="false"/>

    <param name="logo" value="false"/>

    <param name="serverApp" value="default"/>

    <param name="lookAndFeel" value="oracle"/>

    <param name="allow_debug" value="true"/>

    <param name="separateFrame" value="false"/>

    <param name="serverArgs" value="module=C:\forms\login.fmx userid=scott/tiger@orcl"/>

    <param name="serverURL" value=""/>

    <param name="colorScheme" value="blaf"/>

    <param name="splashScreen" value="false"/>

    <param name="dontTruncateTabs" value="true"/>



4.       In your file, add the following arguments.

IP, Port, Form Path and name, Database User, Password and DB name.

5.       Save the document. To launch the program, close it and double-click it.


I hope it's helpful for you. If you have any queries, don't hesitate to contact me.

Name : Muhammad Sahal Qasim
E-mail :
Thank you.


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