Thursday, May 26, 2022

Oracle Forms 10G: Displaying Icons on Push Buttons


ICO files may no longer be used as icons for buttons in Forms 10g since this format is no longer supported. You will need to change the file extension of your icon files to either GIF or JPG.

Configuration in the design phase.

Modify the registry of your Windows operating system to show the icons in your Forms builder.

The path should be something like this: Hkey Local MachineSoftwareOracleForms10 g Home>.

UI ICON simply inputting the path to your GIF and JPG files, for example C:MY APPICONS, and creating a new ui icon extension variable and assigning the value GIF to it.

Configuration of the run-time environment.

Creating the Jar file

  • After you have completed working with the GIF or JPG images, create a folder on your computer and name it ICONS. You are free to create this folder anywhere you choose. You may create an ICONS folder, for example, on a drive C beneath the root directory or as a subfolder under any folder you like.
  • Assuming you already have an ICONS folder established as a root folder on the C drive, you should now transfer all of your GIF files into this folder.
  • To change directories, use cd at the DOS prompt.
  • Enter the following command at the C: prompt to generate a Java Archive File (JAR) named my icons. Jar -cvf my_icons.jar icons 
  • Make a copy of this file and place it within the Forms10g Home>Forms\Java folder.
It is essential that you keep in mind how significant it is to have the name of the folder that contains GIF or JPG files as ICONS. Icons will not be shown in your form at run time if the folder name is anything other than what it is now set to. Oracle's documentation does not make any reference to this particular reason whatsoever. After spending more than a day attempting, but ultimately failing, to show the symbols, I discovered this information via metalink (Service Request no. 6602276.993).

Add or remove entries from REGISTRY.DAT file.

  • Launch this file, which may be found in the folder labelled "Forms10g Home>formsjavaoracleformsreg istry."
  • Add the following to the end of the default.icons.iconpath argument that is already there: default.icons.iconpath=icons/
  • If you want to save icon images in GIF format, you should keep the default value for the parameter default.icons.iconextension=gif that is currently in place. If you wish to utilise JPG files instead of GIF files, you need to replace the GIF with the JPG in the following way: default.icons.iconextension=jpg
The FORMSWEB.CFG file to be changed.

  • There is a copy of this file in the subdirectory titled "Forms10g Home>FormsServer."Add the following to the already existing parameters:
    • imagebase=codebase 
    • archive_jini=frmall_jinit.jar,my_icons.jar
Modify FORMSWEB.CFG file

This file exists under <Forms10g_Home>\Forms\Server folder. 
Append the following existing parameter: 

Copy/paste .gif(s)

Copy paste all animated .gif(s) file in following location

Set property on button

Now open form builder 10g. Built new form, Design Canvas, create button and set its property as mentioned in below attached image
Oracle Forms 10G: Displaying Icons on Push Buttons

Note: Always mention complete name of icon image file including full extension.
for e.g. animated_image.gif  

I hope it's helpful for you. If you have any queries, don't hesitate to contact me.

Name : Muhammad Sahal Qasim
E-mail :

Thank you.


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