Saturday, May 14, 2022

Oracle Reports fast processing of images


Description The degree of picture quality wanted for JPEG files may be specified with the use of this environment variable. It allows control over the compromise that is made between the quality of the JPEG picture and the size of the image. The size of the picture file increases proportionally with the image's perceived quality.

0 to 100 are considered valid values.

Default 100 (highest quality)

Usage Notes

  • When working with Windows, the value may be specified by using the registry. On Unix/Linux, set the environment variable in reports. sh.
  • The default value is used if the REPORTS JPEG QUALITY FACTOR parameter is either not supplied at all or wrongly defined (for example, set to a string or a value that is outside of the acceptable range).
  • A number of 75 produces a picture of satisfactory quality while yet maintaining an acceptable compression ratio.

I hope it's helpful for you. If you have any queries, don't hesitate to contact me.

Name : Muhammad Sahal Qasim
E-mail :

Thank you.


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